1、《如果没了你》歌词:如果没了你世界会继续转变美丽的地方小鸟依然飞翔星星还会闪花儿笑得多灿烂可是,可是我,该怎样下去You know my SweetNothing will be the same for meAfter your love, would I know how to stand up on these lonely feet?Though it may seem, we are not quite meant to beBut the Angels, they choose us, to sprinkle their dust.如果没了我那你会怎样的过?一个人发呆?或是自由自在?去海边大叫?谁再让你的心跳?可否。
2、这颗心,留一份给我?My Sweetest SweetNothing will be the same for meAfter your love, would I know how to stand up on these lonely feet?Though it may seem, we are not quite meant to beBut the angels, they choose us, to sprinkle their dust.But the angels, they choose us, to sprinkle their dust.。
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